Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What I do in my job: Kitchen hand

I am working as kitchen hand in a sushi restaurant, every day when I start, I cook the right amount of rice for the kitchen to use. Then my team will tell me what I need to prepare for the day, such as cabbage, carrot and sometimes softshell crab. Finally, customers will come to have meals and there will be a lot of dirty dishes waiting for me to wash. When the restaurant is closed, I will do the one last job, washes all the pans and pots as well as whatever the kitchen team ask me to.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 3 - AM Activity - Workplace Stress

How to identify, prevent and manage stress at work

A stress response is the physical, mental and emotional reactions that occur when a worker perceives the demands of their work exceed their ability or resources to cope (Work-related psychological health and safety, 2019). It is vary in different kind of workplaces. Firstly, We have to know how to identify it. The document mentioned the causes in terms of high and low job demands, low job control, poor support and workplace relationships, low role clarity, poor organizational change management, low recognition and reward, poor organizational justice and environmental conditions, remote and isolated work and violent or traumatic events.

despite all the factors which would lead to stress, there are steps on how prevent and managing it. First of all, we need to identify it, find out what is causing the stress, considering the possible factors list above. secondly, assess the stress, understand the nature of the harm, and how serious it could be and how likely it will be happening. Next, control the risks, conduct an implementation in effective way and keep adjust it to ensure they remain effective overtime. Finally, review the stress and control measures to make sure they are suitable for you.

Tell us your opinion and leave a comment below if you have any questions.


Work-related psychological health and safety, 2019, retrieved from

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 3 - AM Activity - Bullying

People are often hesitant to make a complaint; why do you think this is? 

As 56% of the bully are bosses, people might afraid to lose jobs if they make a complaint. Also, there are no direct laws about bullying, people would not treated seriously if they make complaints.

Is it possible for people who file complaints to be victimized beyond the original incident? How could this happen? What are some ways organizations and individual managers can help people feel more comfortable to make a claim? 

most likely.

If bully was aware that they have been complained by the victim and there are no follow up according to the complaint. they would likely to take revenge or bully the victim even more.

What can managers do to create a culture where people feel safe to stand up for their rights to equal treatment and being treated with respect and dignity?

managers can make policies on workplace bullying and take zero tolerant on it. They can make posters and stick on the obvious position in workplace to encourage people to make a complaint if they were getting bullied. The poster should encourage people to respect each other no matter what race, gender and personality they are. 

Once the manager received complaints. the investigation should conduct as soon as possible. the later it start, the more harm the victim was received.

Manager should not bully others using their workplace power, they should not leading people bully against other.

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 3 - AM Activity - Safety Responsibilities

In what way has Michelle failed in her obligations?

Every workplace is different in terms of floorplan, important items and evacuate procedure. Michelle should not skip the induction.

Explain how she has also been in breach of the legislation

She needs to treat the siren serious and evacuate right away when when the alarms sounded.

If she had attended the induction, she would have known that elevator has to avoided when there is a fire.

How has her employer failed in its legal obligation?

Her employer did not insist her to do the induction.