Wednesday, December 9, 2020

RESUME WRITING DAY 2 - PM ACTIVITY 2 - My transferrable skills

 Team work

This is the most important skill that we will all experience in a workplace. I learn it from every workplaces. It is essential especially when a company is going through a big project. with this skill, big project can be done smoothly and quickly depends on how many employees are involved.


This skill is not only related to team work in workplace, but also related to building a relationship with colleagues. I learn it in working with other employees in a company day by day. It is a long process of building connection and relationship with them. You will feel more involved and like a family in a company if your communicate skill is better.

Problem solving

In order to finish works, problem solving skill is a must. I learn it by the cycle of encounter a problem, try to solve it by myself, asking for opinion( or better solution). solving the problem( efficiently). Once the problem is solved, you will not only get the job done but as well getting a satisfaction and sense of achievement.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Topic 3 work sim act 1 Promotional Strategies

 My favourite retail store is JB Hi-Fi, I choose eufy RoboVac35c Wi-Fi Robotic Vacuum to analysis.

1. How does the company create awareness of its product?

it was frequently putted on discount on several events such as 50% off on black Friday sale.

2. How does the company get consumers to try its product?

there will be a demo product placed in a decent size area. while its on, it shows to the customer that how it works and how clean the area is after vacuumed.

3. How does the company give information about the product to its customer?

there is a video shows that under many circumstances, the product always does its job. also, it has the bullet points clearly lists its strengths. for this product, it highlighted its pros in terms of Eliminate Vacuuming Chores, Improved Cleaning, Cleans Further and Premium Components. every components has a detail description explaining further on the product.

4. How does the company retain loyal customers?

warranty on company's products are usually longer than other brands. if the product is not functioning for certain reasons, customer will be able to exchange for a new one. also, if the warranty is still not long enough, customer are able to request a longer warranty such as 5 years.

5. How does the company entice the customer to buy more and use their product frequently?

this company designed discount bundles to different customer groups. what's more, it runs event pretty often, for example, the black Friday deal is just over, but the official web site is running a winter deal which is able to save customer up to 38% of their money.

6. What promotions does the company use to identify more customers?

one of their promotions they are doing is 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Any Reason. which is undamaged products may be returned for a full refund for any reason within 30 days of the date the item was delivered to the designated shipping address. as I aware, this is the first one I have know that allows free return for any reason. they know that customer want to try these type of product for certain amount of time before deciding to buy it permanently. and this will attract more customers significantly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Topic 2 task 15A Renton Yuncheng XU

1. What is Harmony Day?

Harmony Day is a celebration of our cultural diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.

Held every year in March, Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

2. What is the "message “of Harmony Day?

The message of Harmony Day is ‘everyone belongs’, the Day aims to engage people to participate in their community, respect cultural and religious diversity and foster sense of belonging for everyone.

3. What is the official color for the day?


4. What does the color stand for / why was this color chosen?

Orange is the color chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

5. What other important International day shares the day with Harmony day? What connection do these days have with each other?

 International Day of Happiness is observed every year on 20 March. Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated this day to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What I do in my job: Kitchen hand

I am working as kitchen hand in a sushi restaurant, every day when I start, I cook the right amount of rice for the kitchen to use. Then my team will tell me what I need to prepare for the day, such as cabbage, carrot and sometimes softshell crab. Finally, customers will come to have meals and there will be a lot of dirty dishes waiting for me to wash. When the restaurant is closed, I will do the one last job, washes all the pans and pots as well as whatever the kitchen team ask me to.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 3 - AM Activity - Workplace Stress

How to identify, prevent and manage stress at work

A stress response is the physical, mental and emotional reactions that occur when a worker perceives the demands of their work exceed their ability or resources to cope (Work-related psychological health and safety, 2019). It is vary in different kind of workplaces. Firstly, We have to know how to identify it. The document mentioned the causes in terms of high and low job demands, low job control, poor support and workplace relationships, low role clarity, poor organizational change management, low recognition and reward, poor organizational justice and environmental conditions, remote and isolated work and violent or traumatic events.

despite all the factors which would lead to stress, there are steps on how prevent and managing it. First of all, we need to identify it, find out what is causing the stress, considering the possible factors list above. secondly, assess the stress, understand the nature of the harm, and how serious it could be and how likely it will be happening. Next, control the risks, conduct an implementation in effective way and keep adjust it to ensure they remain effective overtime. Finally, review the stress and control measures to make sure they are suitable for you.

Tell us your opinion and leave a comment below if you have any questions.


Work-related psychological health and safety, 2019, retrieved from

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 3 - AM Activity - Bullying

People are often hesitant to make a complaint; why do you think this is? 

As 56% of the bully are bosses, people might afraid to lose jobs if they make a complaint. Also, there are no direct laws about bullying, people would not treated seriously if they make complaints.

Is it possible for people who file complaints to be victimized beyond the original incident? How could this happen? What are some ways organizations and individual managers can help people feel more comfortable to make a claim? 

most likely.

If bully was aware that they have been complained by the victim and there are no follow up according to the complaint. they would likely to take revenge or bully the victim even more.

What can managers do to create a culture where people feel safe to stand up for their rights to equal treatment and being treated with respect and dignity?

managers can make policies on workplace bullying and take zero tolerant on it. They can make posters and stick on the obvious position in workplace to encourage people to make a complaint if they were getting bullied. The poster should encourage people to respect each other no matter what race, gender and personality they are. 

Once the manager received complaints. the investigation should conduct as soon as possible. the later it start, the more harm the victim was received.

Manager should not bully others using their workplace power, they should not leading people bully against other.

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 3 - AM Activity - Safety Responsibilities

In what way has Michelle failed in her obligations?

Every workplace is different in terms of floorplan, important items and evacuate procedure. Michelle should not skip the induction.

Explain how she has also been in breach of the legislation

She needs to treat the siren serious and evacuate right away when when the alarms sounded.

If she had attended the induction, she would have known that elevator has to avoided when there is a fire.

How has her employer failed in its legal obligation?

Her employer did not insist her to do the induction.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

TOPIC 1 - WEEK 2 - AM Activity 1 - Reflection of Day 1

 ●WHS legislation - NT and federal, are they different? why?

Federal: The main object of the Act is to provide for a balanced and nationally consistent framework to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces.

NT: The WHS (NUL) Act is the cornerstone of legislative and administrative measures to maintain and improve occupational health and safety in the Northern Territory

●Duty of care - your duty of care in the workplace for yourself and others, why is this important?

it is to make sure we taking care of each other and self in a workplace so that everyone could avoid getting any potential incoming harms.

●Hierarchy of control - What is this and why do we need to have this in the workplace?

The hierarchy of control is a system for controlling risks in the workplace.

every workplace has different risks. it is very important to understand and use the hierarchy of control to eliminate or reduce risks at work. eg. office looks safe compare to restaurant but it still has potential risks like sitting posture issue or hurt by stationery 

●Bullying - Who do you report this to? What is work place bullying?

We report the bullying to our employer, if employer was involved in the bullying, we report it to the WHS Consultative Committee 

Workplace bullying is a persistent pattern of mistreatment from others in the workplace that causes either physical or emotional harm. It can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, psychological, physical abuse and humiliation.

●Policies and procedures - Every Australian business has policies and procedures we must follow why? Where do these come from?

Policies and procedures are important in a workplace as it helps reinforce and clarify the standards expected of employees and help employers manage staff more effectively as it defines what is acceptable and unacceptable in the workplace. 

some detail might differ in companies but the basic policies are come from work health safety legislation