Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Week 8 Task 10 Social Media Use

How social media can be used to benefit the workplace relationships

connection between employees:

use of social media between employees could increase bonds between them, eventually employee would treat others like friends and families.


work is stress sometime, use of social media could bring mental break to the employee, and perform better in a long run.


use of social media on work related matters such as asking colleagues and upload/download files from others could bring efficiency to the company.


personal information and images are more unique and personalized than in the working environment. sometimes you know someone in the company, but you just could not recall their name. social media has all the basic information you need about them.


Talking to a colleague via internet is easier and convenient face to face and it takes less courage to start a conversation.

Potential issues with mixing personal social media with workplace relationships


over use of social media could lower productivity of employees and even lower the progress of a company.


use of social media might potentially create a breach for company's network security or data breaching. the result could be very serious if one of the employee has passed the virus from social media to company network.

company policy:

some company has very strict policies against social media use, it is better to follow the rules.

An etiquette you recommend for the appropriate use of social media and associating it with your workplace.

I agree that people can use social media during work, in a more appropriate way. such as not overusing it, and if do, use on work purpose. social media can be a tool that helps increase the productivity of a company if uses wisely.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Topic 6 Innovation Workplace Task 3 Internet of Things (IOT)

 Relocating Myer from Sydney to Darwin

We are planning to relocate Myer from Sydney to Darwin. It is an upmarket Australian department store chain that trades in all Australian states and all of the Australian states and one of Australia’s two self-governing territories. We are relocating to Darwin to reduce the operation cost for the company as well as to extend the market. 

Project Mind Map:

Relocating demonstration:

Video link of team member discussion:

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 Lose weight


calculate how much calories my body needs for one day and reduce the intake by 500.

replace driving to and from work to walk instead.


mark down the weight every morning after wake and every night before sleep.


Lose 2kg minimum weight in four weeks time.


Be more healthy and avoid issues that could cause by overweight.


By the end of this year 2021, I will get rid of 10kg's weight and be consistence through out the year.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How to speak so that people want to listen

 How to speak so that people want to listen

There are seven sins of speaking that could stopping people from listening.

7 deadly sins of speaking

Gossip-speaking ill of somebody who's not present







we speak not very well to people who simply aren't listening in an environment that's all about noise and bad acoustics.

In order to make people listen, there are four powerful points that could follow.

4 powerful speaking

HAIL-To greet or acclaim enthusiastically

Honestly-Be clear and straight

Authenticity- Be yourself

Integrity-Be your word

Love-Wish them well

The world would sound beautiful if we were creating sound consciously and consuming sound consciously and designing all our environments consciously for sound.

The above elements are not enough if you want people to listen to you, what your say it and how you say it is also important.

Toolbox of what you said

Register-the way you say it

Timbre-the way your voice feels

Prosody-meta language, monotone 

Pace-quick for excitement or slow for emphasizing

Pitch-indicates arousal

Volume-high volume for excitement or quiet for paying attention

warming up before you speak is also important, with all the preparation, you want to give it smoothly. so, warm up your voice.

Warm up your voice before speaking

repeat arms up, deep breath in and sign out.

warm up lips by repeating Ba and Brr.

warm up tongue by repeating La and Rrr.

repeating high volume We and low volume Aw.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

RESUME WRITING DAY 2 - PM ACTIVITY 2 - My transferrable skills

 Team work

This is the most important skill that we will all experience in a workplace. I learn it from every workplaces. It is essential especially when a company is going through a big project. with this skill, big project can be done smoothly and quickly depends on how many employees are involved.


This skill is not only related to team work in workplace, but also related to building a relationship with colleagues. I learn it in working with other employees in a company day by day. It is a long process of building connection and relationship with them. You will feel more involved and like a family in a company if your communicate skill is better.

Problem solving

In order to finish works, problem solving skill is a must. I learn it by the cycle of encounter a problem, try to solve it by myself, asking for opinion( or better solution). solving the problem( efficiently). Once the problem is solved, you will not only get the job done but as well getting a satisfaction and sense of achievement.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Topic 3 work sim act 1 Promotional Strategies

 My favourite retail store is JB Hi-Fi, I choose eufy RoboVac35c Wi-Fi Robotic Vacuum to analysis.

1. How does the company create awareness of its product?

it was frequently putted on discount on several events such as 50% off on black Friday sale.

2. How does the company get consumers to try its product?

there will be a demo product placed in a decent size area. while its on, it shows to the customer that how it works and how clean the area is after vacuumed.

3. How does the company give information about the product to its customer?

there is a video shows that under many circumstances, the product always does its job. also, it has the bullet points clearly lists its strengths. for this product, it highlighted its pros in terms of Eliminate Vacuuming Chores, Improved Cleaning, Cleans Further and Premium Components. every components has a detail description explaining further on the product.

4. How does the company retain loyal customers?

warranty on company's products are usually longer than other brands. if the product is not functioning for certain reasons, customer will be able to exchange for a new one. also, if the warranty is still not long enough, customer are able to request a longer warranty such as 5 years.

5. How does the company entice the customer to buy more and use their product frequently?

this company designed discount bundles to different customer groups. what's more, it runs event pretty often, for example, the black Friday deal is just over, but the official web site is running a winter deal which is able to save customer up to 38% of their money.

6. What promotions does the company use to identify more customers?

one of their promotions they are doing is 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Any Reason. which is undamaged products may be returned for a full refund for any reason within 30 days of the date the item was delivered to the designated shipping address. as I aware, this is the first one I have know that allows free return for any reason. they know that customer want to try these type of product for certain amount of time before deciding to buy it permanently. and this will attract more customers significantly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Topic 2 task 15A Renton Yuncheng XU

1. What is Harmony Day?

Harmony Day is a celebration of our cultural diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.

Held every year in March, Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

2. What is the "message “of Harmony Day?

The message of Harmony Day is ‘everyone belongs’, the Day aims to engage people to participate in their community, respect cultural and religious diversity and foster sense of belonging for everyone.

3. What is the official color for the day?


4. What does the color stand for / why was this color chosen?

Orange is the color chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

5. What other important International day shares the day with Harmony day? What connection do these days have with each other?

 International Day of Happiness is observed every year on 20 March. Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated this day to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world.