Wednesday, December 9, 2020

RESUME WRITING DAY 2 - PM ACTIVITY 2 - My transferrable skills

 Team work

This is the most important skill that we will all experience in a workplace. I learn it from every workplaces. It is essential especially when a company is going through a big project. with this skill, big project can be done smoothly and quickly depends on how many employees are involved.


This skill is not only related to team work in workplace, but also related to building a relationship with colleagues. I learn it in working with other employees in a company day by day. It is a long process of building connection and relationship with them. You will feel more involved and like a family in a company if your communicate skill is better.

Problem solving

In order to finish works, problem solving skill is a must. I learn it by the cycle of encounter a problem, try to solve it by myself, asking for opinion( or better solution). solving the problem( efficiently). Once the problem is solved, you will not only get the job done but as well getting a satisfaction and sense of achievement.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Topic 3 work sim act 1 Promotional Strategies

 My favourite retail store is JB Hi-Fi, I choose eufy RoboVac35c Wi-Fi Robotic Vacuum to analysis.

1. How does the company create awareness of its product?

it was frequently putted on discount on several events such as 50% off on black Friday sale.

2. How does the company get consumers to try its product?

there will be a demo product placed in a decent size area. while its on, it shows to the customer that how it works and how clean the area is after vacuumed.

3. How does the company give information about the product to its customer?

there is a video shows that under many circumstances, the product always does its job. also, it has the bullet points clearly lists its strengths. for this product, it highlighted its pros in terms of Eliminate Vacuuming Chores, Improved Cleaning, Cleans Further and Premium Components. every components has a detail description explaining further on the product.

4. How does the company retain loyal customers?

warranty on company's products are usually longer than other brands. if the product is not functioning for certain reasons, customer will be able to exchange for a new one. also, if the warranty is still not long enough, customer are able to request a longer warranty such as 5 years.

5. How does the company entice the customer to buy more and use their product frequently?

this company designed discount bundles to different customer groups. what's more, it runs event pretty often, for example, the black Friday deal is just over, but the official web site is running a winter deal which is able to save customer up to 38% of their money.

6. What promotions does the company use to identify more customers?

one of their promotions they are doing is 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Any Reason. which is undamaged products may be returned for a full refund for any reason within 30 days of the date the item was delivered to the designated shipping address. as I aware, this is the first one I have know that allows free return for any reason. they know that customer want to try these type of product for certain amount of time before deciding to buy it permanently. and this will attract more customers significantly.